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Hi there!

How can I attach a large file in JO?  I am trying to create a template for one of my programs, but it says the file is too large.




The limit is 20MB total with a file size limit of 2 MB (according to documentation). I think for larger files, you could consider hosting it in an accessible location and sharing the link. We’ve done this for some files and maintained the file in Highspot but it could be in Box, Dropbox, etc. It is somewhat easier to update with a web location rather than having to re-attach to email templates when there is a change.

Thank you @john_apple !!

Ditto to @john_apple’s suggestion.

I also suspect emails with large attachments could be marked as spam more often than emails without large attachments. To maximize your deliverability and to maintain maximum flexibility as assets change, I also favor the linking solution over the “large attachment” solution.

Dropping that file as an Excel CSV file in the S3 bucket should help in this use case
