Auto Populate Company/Relationship Fields in Low Volume Object

  • 8 February 2021
  • 0 replies


While CSMs are creating a new record in a Low Volume custom object from C360/R360 > Related List (Report on Low Volume object), other fields having lookup to standard fields from Company or Relationship are populated automatically.

Business Use case: If the Industry Type string field in the Low volume object looks up to a standard field in the Company object (other than Name and GSID), while adding a new record in the Low Volume object, the Industry Type field is populated automatically.


  • Low Volume Object fields having lookup to a custom field in a Company or Relationship fields are not populated automatically.
  • Previously, fields which look up to Name and GSID in the Company object were already auto populated.

This enhancement is also applicable while adding a new record from the Data Operations page by Admins. For more information, refer to the Data Operations article. For more information, refer to the Overview of Customer 360 Details article.


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