I’m looking to find a way to automatically populate a “Renewal Date” field year over year. We currently don’t have a field in our CRM that shows this, however we do have a “Customer Since Date” that marks the start date of the client’s time with us. For any new contract, calculating the renewal date is easy - just add 365 or 366 to the ‘since date’.
What I need is a way for our customers who are 1+ years old to have that date refresh automatically after the date passes. For example, if the renewal date is 28/05/2021, then on the day after a rule could then update it and add a year to the field value making it 28/05/2022.
I can’t believe this isn’t a default function within Gainsight given that it’s built for the purpose of securing renewals. Is this possible? Has anyone done something similar? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!