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I have two programs - one survey, one email chain. The email chain participant query will be built off the survey object - however I can’t build the query for the email program because the object is not available until a response is recorded.

So now I have to run a live program to a test address to submit a live survey response that will then need to be deleted from the responses, just so that I can have that object available to query.

Why is this type of power taken out of the hands of the admin - why can’t an admin flatten a survey themselves? 

If you do a “Reset Flattening” (little arrow circle icon next to the blue filter) from the Analyze tab, it will generate the flattened object even if you have no responses yet.



I did press that icon but it didn’t create it, I’ll try again tomorrow. 

If you do a “Reset Flattening” (little arrow circle icon next to the blue filter) from the Analyze tab, it will generate the flattened object even if you have no responses yet.



**Mind blown**

I had no idea!  This will definitely make my life easier come NPS time.  Thanks, @john_apple!

I do agree with @kelly.  It would be nice if creating and activating the survey automatically created the flattened object.
