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Our (mixpanel) usage data uses the mixpanel connector to go into the MDA. When building reports there is currently a really frustrating/misleading behavior in which where there are 'zero events' the period for which there are no events is effectively removed from the date axis.  

The outcome of this is where a client that had high usage in January (say 1000 login events) . zero usage in February & high (1000 logins) usage in March for the usage chart to be a flat line, that skips from January to March on the date axis. Where date ranges are longer (say we look at a 6 month trend) it can be really hard to even spot that a date rage is missing, so this is even more problematic. Would love better handling of zero events. 
Totally agree 🙂 a solution for his would be awesome !

Agreed. I'll look into this. Thanks
Amazing. thanks!
I'm having a similar issue whenever I attempt to display data on dashboards where the count is zero. For example, "show me the list of CSMs who have created 4 or fewer CTAs last week." I still want to see the names of those who have created 0, but they're removed from the chart altogether, and only those who have created 1, 2, 3, or 4 show up.

Since this thread is 3 months old, I'll continue to search around for success on this front. Wanted to echo the need for it here as well. Thanks!
