Hello community,
I want to share this python script that will work to take all language translation files in a directory and bulk upload for one to many engagements for a given api key. currently, the api key must be hard coded. However, you can expand to include spinning through an api list if needed. I currently do not need this functionality… yet… :)
# import the python libraries for use.
import requests
import os
import sys
# Program Operational Guidelines: load all engagement translated files in bulk to many engagements for an api key.
# This program will look at the current directory where the python script is stored and upload all translated files for an engagement.
# It doesn't matter what status the engagement is in albeit completed or paused. And it doesn't matter which translation state the document is in.
# This has been a change from earlier behavior where the status would indicate Completion when all localization languages were uploaded via the Bulk API.
# All xliffs for all engagements that need upload for translation purposes will be uploaded en masse.
# Check with Gainsight if any limitations of number of files.
# When all translated files are uploaded for a particular engagement, the status is automatically set to Translation Complete.
# If there is a file or two that did not get uploaded or not yet translated, then the Translation Status will remain Ready for Translation until all files are translated for the particular engagement.
# This is important to know since the Engagement is paused until ALL localization files are uploaded
# If the translation status is set to Translation Complete, and a file needs to be updated, the file can be updated even though the Status is set to Translation Complete.
# Hard coded constants. Swap out the api key for use with another Gainsight product api key.
apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
# Housekeeping
# Endpoints
# Working directory path
path='C:/Users/xxxxx/OneDrive - xxxxx/Documents/Tools/Python Scripts/UploadTranslatedFiles'
# Function to post (upload) list of files.
def createPosts(apiKey, inputFilename):
#print("hello function")
headers = {'X-APTRINSIC-API-KEY': apiKey}
files = {'file': open(inputFilename, 'rb')}
response = requests.post(uploadXliffEndpoint, headers=headers, files=files)
if (response.status_code != 201):
print(("Error %d : '%s' on %s" % (response.status_code, response.text, inputFilename)), file=sys.stderr)
# Upload (POST) the translated engagement files from vendor (this is a local file directory where these are saved) to the Gainsight engagement.
#print("hello post")
for inputFilename in os.listdir(path):
if inputFilename.endswith('.xliff'):
with open(inputFilename,'rb') as f:
# End of program