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I have created a report that I want to add to my customer 360.  It is a list of all upcoming campaigns that a specific customer might be interested in.  I would like to only show the campaigns that are in the same region as the customer region field on the account. Is there any way to do this?  When I add the report I only have one option of the field to match on.  Is there a way to add additional fields here for matching purposes? 

Hi Kara - you probably don't have a direct lookup to the Account object, which means you'll need to use our Data Space functionality:
Hi Spencer,

Thank you for your quick response.  This makes sense.  However, I do have one additional question, what's the difference between a Data Space and joining two MDA tables in terms of reporting.  Would this accomplish the same thing?  I'm asking for another problem I'm trying to solve. Just want to understand the difference.  Thanks. 
Sure. Data Spaces are solely designed to work with Salesforce data as of now and are a good use case if you need to, for example, link your Campaign Data, up through an Opportunity lookup and then up to the Account. 

Merging two MDA tables can also work with reporting, but this would be done through the Rules Engine, and you would need to have the action be to load to a new MDA object. Once you do that, your new MDA object would be available to use as a source object in the Report Builder. Let me know if that helps.
That definitely helps.  I actually want to look at two Salesforce objects, but I thought the only way to do that was to get them into MDA tables and do a join.  Glad to know that I can just use data spaces.  That seems like a much more user friendly approach. Thanks for the help. 
Great! Happy to help.
