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We have an image heavy email we are sending through Journey Orchestrator and when the email is received it has all the images attached at the bottom of the email. I know this is standard for emails in general but I was wondering if anyone has ever hidden these in Journey Orchestrator or knows any way to include them without it adding them as an attachment to the email that is sent. 

@Chelsea.holfield Thank you for submitting your query here! I will let you know the possibilities. 

@gunjanm, @jean.nairon, @keith_mattes @kelly  and @andreammelde do you know the possibilities ?

Is this a text based email or a designed HTML email?

We don’t have this  use-case and I have not tested this solution, but could it be possible to use links to hosted images and embed that instead of the actual images themselves? 

We use a heavy image based but when we do it is a designed HTML


@mglarocca  does this more - he might have some more details. Most of the emails I create do not have images

We don’t have this  use-case and I have not tested this solution, but could it be possible to use links to hosted images and embed that instead of the actual images themselves? 

I believe this should do the trick

Thanks for the help. So if these images are just screenshots or snips from an image we have internally, I would need to first put them to a hosted site and then use that link to add to the HTML version? @gunjanm  @keith_mattes 

@Chelsea.holfield yes exactly. I haven’t directly tested it myself either but it makes sense based on what I have experienced. 

End Proctoring-

Hello @Chelsea.holfield 

Did above suggestions address your requirement? 

@chethana Unfortunately I haven’t gotten the chance to try it yet. I will post here once I have! Thanks 
