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I am looking to make a report of overall customer health, across all customers, as a stacked bar graph. I also want it to use our defined colors for the different ranges. The desired outcome would be a single horizontal/vertical bar that shows me the customer health distribution. 

I could have sworn I met someone at Pulse that had this on the per CSM level (which is my next goal after this report anyway). Hopefully someone out there can help!

Hey Ben!  

You can absolutely do that.  You just need to follow the visualization type rules that can be found here.  From there, you can configure which data is shown on the drill down.

Let me know if you want to jump on a GTM and we can build to your specs?  Thanks!

Thanks! I was close, just needed to figure out the right field references. All good now. I know we have the Gainsight Object Glossary, but a deeper dive into the field setup under the "Company" object would be helpful. Maybe it exists and I just don't know where. Anyway, all good here.
I've grouped mine by Tier and Label and used a stacked bar graph.  I'm wondering why the labels aren't displayed in order, though.  It would be most useful for the bars to display Dark Red, Light Red, Yellow, Light Green, to Dark Green to align with our scheme.  Right now I can't tell what is driving the order of the labels:

Yeah I was seeing some weirdness as well. I ended up doing a column chart rather than stacked. I was trying to get most healthy on the far right and just couldn't make it happen!
