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I have raised the below with support but they were unable to advise any fixes. Does anyone else have this problem and can anyone advise any work arounds?

Gainsight currently uses a field within Salesforce as a primary key to pull back data from the data extract into reports within Gainsight. For clients this key can change over time dependent on the product they have with us. When the field changes it only brings back the associated data since the change within Gainsight. If I change the field back to the previous key and leave Gainsight to update overnight, I can get the data associated to the previous key.

Is there a way to be able to either link the multiple Keys or amend the historic Key to the new one within the data ingested into Gainsight so the Reports in Gainsight show all historic data relating to a client as well as the data?

Any help would be gratefully received 

@Winston_Mobysoft you could create a new field that stores the previous value, and then, keep the current field as the new value. You’d have to update your reporting accordingly though. 

Thanks for the response Heather, that sounds like it could work. Annoyingly I’m not admin on the other system so will have to wait for them to introduce the new field. This sounds like it could work however.
