
Closing a Task: custom picklist option

  • 11 September 2018
  • 5 replies

We created another picklist option for the Status of a Task called "Closed - No Action". However, when you choose this status, the task is not closed out, but remains open. I am sure I am missing a simple setting here somewhere but cannot seem to find it. 

Best answer by pele 12 September 2018, 00:32

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Userlevel 5
Badge +3
Hi Rachel,

If task mapping is configured (see article) and you're just looking to have to CTA or Task be marked off when status is set to "Closed - No Action"– then I'm pretty sure you just have to update the Category in Call to action status.

You can find the settings by going to Administration > Workflow > Calls to Action > Call to action status. I think if you select Closed Won or Close Lost under Category for the "Closed - No Action" status, a CTA or Task will be marked off when this is set as the task status in Cockpit. 

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the response Pele! Unfortunately I have done this already and still doesn't seem to work. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3
Hmmm... Bummer :

My only other guess would be to ensure "Closed - No Action" is selected in the "Task Closed Status" dropdown in the Administration > Tasks section.

You are brilliant! That is precisely what I was missing! Thank you.
Userlevel 5
Badge +3
Awesome– Glad that worked!!
