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Hello all,

A manager of our customer success team put in a request to solve for when she meets her with direct reports to review their accounts she looks at Customer Health. Right now she is using the My Customer Health report to do this. In the past, our CSMs entered their comments on that report for customer health notes. However, we are moving away from that and utilizing the Activity Timeline with an activity type of "Customer Health". 

Is it possible to join the Overall Account Scorecard Health fact table and the Activity Timeline table in order to have the view and functionality of the Scorecard Mass Edit report (My Customer Health) report and have the activity timeline notes filtered on the "Customer Health" activity type?

I have been researching and did not come up with anything concrete. Has anyone done anything similar here or care to pass on best practice in order to meet this requirement?

Thank you!
Do you have your health scores on Scorecard 2.0? If you do, then Activity Timeline fields should be accessible to you via the MDA.
Hi Meenal,

Yes, we use Scorecard 2.0 for our health. Which MDA table should I base this report off of? We are looking for the report to mirror the My Customer Health report in terms of viewing the scores/colors along with the Activity Timeline notes. 


We are looking to tie this together closely Joe - and add Timeline notes to easily be accessible to support key areas like Scorecard.  Just saw a mock of this :-)  I don't have a timeline for that yet - love the idea!
