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I'm trying to create a report to go on the CSMs dashboard about open CTAs of a specific type. However when I went to create the report I realized there is no "owner id" field on the CTA dataspace. Instead, it's just a string for the "Assignee" but I can't use that to filter by Current User to make it work on a CSM page.

Does anyone have a work around for this?
You could create your own dataspace (clone it from CTA) and add the CSM data to it.
I guess I could, but that wouldn't stay updated as new CTAs are created right? I would have to keep re cloning it?
Those are like views in a database, you are just configuring what data is available in that dataspace, it doesn't contain the data itself.
Oh amazing. I understand. Thank you!
If you need more info, you can check the following doc:
