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I'm trying to create a CTA off of a custom MDA table I've imported. I can pull in all my fields, but when I go to the action page of the rule, the only options I get are "Load To SFDC" and "Load to MDA".

I have an Account ID and a CSM ID as fields that I'm pulling in. Is there something specific I need to include to make the CTA action option appear?

Do you have just "ID" pulled in?
Hi Dallis:

Is the Account Id in the MDA table mapped Account Id in SFDC?  I can send you screenshots of how to do this if necessary.  
Rules Engine lists only two actions if it cannot identify Account ID field. I think the field should be mapped to [i]SFDC > Account Id mapping.

There appears to be a support article listing how to create a mapping while creating new field in custom objects. Hope this helps:

Hi Dallis, I recently started going through all of the unanswered  or unresolved problems . Was checking to see if this has been resolved or if it is an ongoing issue? Please let us know if you need any help here?
