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When searching for an account in Gainsight using the main blue search box, the Account Name comes up - for us (and everyone else?) this is the main Account name (field = Account Name) that also appears in SFDC. 

Our SFDC team is renaming some of our global accounts that will result in duplicate names. This may cause confusion with our CSMs when searching for their accounts using the blue search box. My question is therefore - can we somehow change the search box functionality to look up to a concatenation of two fields = Account Name and Account Country? Would this also work for Relationships? 

Thanks in advance!

Hi Katerina, 

The current functionality does not support concatenated search (search across multiple fields).

Instead we can add up to 4 fields to the result (In your example, Account Name & Account Country and other fields).  While search will still work on one field, result will show other fields to differentiate the information for CSMs.

I hope this work around will be of some help.

Best Regards

Thanks Bhavani, appreciate the reply. 

This may work - how could we set this up please - what's the next step?
Hello Katerina,  You can try below steps:

1.  Goto Administration --> Customers.  Then goto Customers Search Settings on the page and click Configure.

2.  Choose the fields you want to see in the search results

You can select up to 4 fields and then Save.

Hope this helps.



Hi Katerina, below pages will help you for deeper understating. 

Please follow this page to define attributes for Relationship Search Functionality.

Please follow this page to define attributes for Customer Search Settings .
thank you- this is very helpful!

We have many accounts with the same name but different addresses. We use a field called Site (which is a concatination of the State and address field) to distinguish the different accounts. So my show fields are :

Account, Site, Status.

The problem is when I search on the account name the list does not appear to be sort correctly by Account Name, but I would also like a sort also on Site so that the CSM could more easily find an account in alpha order by Account/Site.   Is there a way to designate a sorting on the list? 

See picture for example of the problem we are having. 

