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When Date parameters are grouped by month in Reporting 2.0, the range of dates shown should be inclusive of all data in the set, rather than the last 12 months.

My use case is that I am building a report of upcoming renewals by CSM. When I group the data by Renewal Date, the grouping shows May 2018 to 2019, when obviously my renewals are all in the future. Adding the grouping causes all renewals outside of the current month to disappear, which sometimes is the entire data set.

Hi Steven,

Have you tried applying a date filter? In this example I'm grouping the future opportunities by month and applying a dynamic filter of future 365 days. This gives me months grouped starting with May 2019 and through May 2020 (13 groups of months).

Hi Dan,

That resolved my issue. I wanted to capture all data but in my case the next 730 days is sufficient for now. If only the product support team could have helped. (Ticked # 78126)

Have a great day!
