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As and Admin, I have experienced an unplanned field deletion that was included in a DataSpace in Gainsight and fields that were heavily relied upon were removed.


1) Reports that leveraged any deleted fields were failing (reported immediately by users)

2) Removal of field in question from reports immediately remedied "most" situations (after re-addtion of new field value provided by SF team)

3) Global filters leveraging this value will also have to be updated and values reassigned

4) ANY Report FILTER that leveraged a field that was removed will RETAIN THE LOGIC (A AND B AND...) and the report will still not function if you update and save the logic.

Recovery (unsure of gracefullness)

I have found that if you simply "save a copy" of the report, refresh your report manager screen and then access the original report again it WILL WORK!

Always good to remember to delete the copy after for a tidy interface 🙂

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