
Decimals in C360

  • 4 August 2016
  • 2 replies

Currently, in the summary section of the C360, we cannot pull in fields with decimal places accurately. The field will be reported on, but it will lose the decimal that the number carried. 

For example, one of our customers is attempting to bring in the current version of software that their customer is on. For example, version 5.5. However, when we bring that field into the summary area of the C360, the number is cut off or rounded to 5 or 6 instead of having the decimal place.

I've seen other posts on the community mentioning this throwing off their ability to bring in monetary values ($12.51) because of the apparent decimal place. This seems like it could potentially limit the types of fields our customers can make use of on the summary/attributes section of the C360.

Thanks for the time reading!

-Logan T.

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Hi Logan,

We have the ability to control formatting on the vertical card that houses up to six attributes, but not on the widgets. Is that what you are referring to?


@Manu, Thank you!  We moved this value to the vertical card and our problem is resolved.  Many thanks!
