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A customer  recently migrated to Scorecard  2.0. They have two  scorecards. One is set to t he default, the other is one they are working through.

The issue is the default scorecard only applied to 59  accounts while the second one  applied to the remaining accounts. Neither scorecard had criteria applied. The assumption is  the default scorecard would be the one that is applied. 

To get the default scorecard to apply, we had to create a filter for it. AND apply  the opposite filter to the second scorecard. 

Can the default scorecard be default without having to add additional criteria?
We had this same problem.  

So you have to set up the Default scorecard with the OPPOSITE "Applies to" logic for it to apply.  

This is a bug (IMO) and Gainsight is working on fixing this so that the Default scorecard is actually the Default - without the need for applying the additional logic.
Lane - talk to Steve Davis.  He is aware and driving it.
One other thing to consider that may or may not be at play here is that the scorecard assignment routine is not instantaneous, so if you make some changes to the logic of what scorecards should apply to various criteria, it's good to give the system a while to work behind the scenes on changing all the data assignments. I've on occasion seen this needing ~30 minutes to finish mapping everything.
