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We are trying to reduce our SFDC Storage. To do so, we need to remove some Usage Data. However, our CSM team is a heavy user of the Usage Widget. We would like to removed data for Customers in a certain plan or even customers who have canceled prior to April of this year. 

This will require a JOIN of some sort in SOQL between JBCXM__UsageData__c and JBCXM__CustomerInfo__c or the Account record.

The issue is, I'm not sure what the query would look like. I've done some research, but every time I try, WorkBench throws an error.

Can anyone help?
Hey Lane what error are you getting when trying to get this to work?  Feel free to shoot me an email if that's easier as well.
Thanks Scott! I shot you an email. I'm getting a Malformed Query error.
Awesome glad we were able to figure it out!
Thanks Scott! 
