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I know how to upload data from Gainsight into SF, but not with a color coded dot for the health score. I know I've seen it before, but I can't find instructions. 
Hi Rona, to make sure we understand what you're trying to see, can you post a screen shot of the visualization that you're trying to see?

also, where are you attempting to show that health score with the color coding?
Hi Dan - 

Its like following these instructions here: But doing it with gainsight data. I'm wondering if there is an easier way to display the gainsight account health colors in a stop light way on the or account.
Hi Rona, just to be clear, you're asking about how to create the report in SFDC (using Gainsight data), not how to create the report in Gainsight?
Hi Rona,

Please let us know if you need further assistance here, or if you're all set!

Thanks 🙂
