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Hello - I'm looking to assign each account an "ARR Tier" based on their current ARR in SFDC. Is it possible to create a drop down pick list and assign these based on a calculation, or to manually calculate and upload a csv? This will simplify our gainsight reporting needs and further drill down health scores and other items to these buckets.


ARR Tier



$50-100K .... and so on

A back end option is have this created in SFDC Customer Info object as either a calculated field or manual upload, but would like to see if there are options in GS first.
Hi Jake - you can do this in Administration under the Revenue Band configuration. See this document for more details:
Awesome, thanks for shooting over that support article. 

This lives in the Customers Object (Gainsight subject area), which is not in the MDA. How can I utilize that field with other objects, i.e. Account Scorecard History? Can you load this to the company object per account? Use Data Spaces instead?

Yes, you can add Revenue Band to your Company standard object by following these instructions:
