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Essentially, I have 2 issues.

Issue #1: I have duplicated records within the 'CSI Unsuccessful' vs the normal 'CSI Integration'. I want to keep the 'CSI Integration Call' as the master data and remove any duplication in the Unsuccessful ones.


Issue #2: When I tried to add in a filter to only show me the 'Enterprise Partner' as something, it will only filter out the 'CSI Unsuccessful Integration Call' but not the others.


My goal is to report how many customers we have contacted via these 2 CSI call activities (I can't get rid of the NA one as well) so we are manually deducting the 6 calls.

Hope you can help and thanks in advance.



Hi Andy,

Since this is quite specific to your config, I have a few pointers:

What granularity do you want the data in? I am assuming Company based on the above conversation. 

Are you looking at the number of companies in this report? Can a company be both “CSI Unsuccessful” and “CSI Integration”? In the above report, there are multiple rows for a single Company since the data is at the timeline entry level. 

A Data Designer design can perfectly solve this problem by making sure data is rolled up at Company level. 


Hi @rakesh 

Hope you’re doing well mate.

A company can be in both ‘CSI Unsuccessful’ and ‘CSI Integration’. I’ve found that out by exporting them into an excel and remove the duplicates. I’m happy to not have the ‘green, red and yellow’ if it shows me the correct figures.

You’re correct, I’m look at the number of company here in this report. I really just need to know how many company have we ‘contacted’ regardless if it’s successful or not. Of course, I don’t want to know how many attempts of unsuccessful we have contacted if it’s been successful before.

Hope this make sense.


