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I am looking for best practices for organizing Email templates i Gainsight Assist for the end user.  We utilize Gainsight Assist frequently but the number of email templates is growing rapidly.  The search feature appears to be very limited.  Does anyone have advice on how you organize your templates so that the end user can know and quickly access which templates are available?  Is there a particular naming convention that has worked for your organization?  

Hi Tracy!

We struggle with this too, and I wouldn’t say we’ve “cracked the code” at all for a solution, but what we’ve found works well for us is the following:

For activity-based emails:

nSegment] [Activity Name] iAction]

  • SMB Renewal Conversation Follow Up
  • MM QBR Scheduling
  • ENT EBR Pre-Send


For other emails:

oSegment] >Subject Keyword]

  • SMB Professional Services
  • MM Implementation Guide

Usually I’ve found that there is a keyword in the subject of the template that I’ll use in the template name, as that is usually what a user will use to search by first.

Hope this helps. I’ve tried getting more complex with our naming conventions, but I think I “overdid” it. I try to find a balance and not be overly prescriptive. 

Thank you for your input @sarahmiracle.  We are doing something similar but the number of email templates are growing exponentially as various teams implement the use of Gainsight so I’m looking ahead to other solutions.  Truly hoping GS develops a more robust search tool in GS Assist to help with this issue! 
