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I had an interesting use case recently that I wanted to share with the community. 

We leverage JO to send a renewal survey to a segment of our customers, and we use the customer’s Opportunity Stage as a key criteria in the participant source.

It’s very common for a customer to be sent a renewal survey, and instead of respond, they reply to the email with an additional question or special note to the CSM, and the CSM picks up the renewal work from there. This isn’t recognized in a survey program, as the customer would continue to receive reminder emails until the survey is complete, so the Opportunity Stage lets us see that a customer is working with their CSM on the renewal and doesn’t need any further automation.

Because of this, we create our renewal survey programs as separate JO programs, as currently we cannot configure a Conditional Wait calculated field in a survey program to assess Opportunity Stage before sending additional reminder emails for the survey.

However, we were facing an issue where a CSM didn’t have enough time to update the Opportunity Stage before the next survey program was triggered to send. So, sometimes, a customer who already responded to our renewal survey would be brought into the next survey program and sent another survey.


After some trial and error, here is how I solved for this:

To exclude participants that already responded to the renewal survey in an earlier survey program in the "program chain," I fetched the MAX Responded Date from the flattened survey object and merged it with the participant source, then a final transformation step to filter for responded date = null.


Interested to hear if others have taken a different approach!

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