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I'm wondering if anyone has any use cases and best practices surrounding customer facing reports on usage metrics? I've searched the community and mostly find customer facing reports are centered around overall health scores and objectives. We currently provide very detailed trending reports on our products using excel graphs that we're having a hard time replicating them in Gainsight. One example would be a report containing a percentage, the raw numbers contributing to the percentage, the trend of this percentage over time, and the industry benchmark of this percentage - all in one chart. If any of you are reporting on external product metrics using Gainsight, I would love to connect with you to get some tips!
Hi Niki, we also provide a number of very detailed views on user based activity. A sound solution for us was to create several MDA objects and populate data (weekly for weekly activities and daily for other variables) via S3 connector. You can then create reports on this data and bring them on C/R 360. Our backend developers helped us to write a script that pulls data from our internal DB --> dump it into csv --> uploads the files in our S3 bucket on a daily basis. 
We bring our product metrics into Gainsight via S3, as well. I have created Success Snapshots (PPTs) that show raw data, aggregated data and trend in graphs for clients, dashboards to export for Sales to assess client usage over time and user licenses to prep for renewal discussions, dashboards for CSMs to use to monitor clients, and we used the product metrics to create measures for product utilization in Scorecard 2.0. Those metrics take a weekly average of logins compared to a 6 month average of logins and show us an increase or decrease percentage in usage week to week. We then use those percentages in CTAs to alert CSMs for risk or opportunity on each account.
Thanks, folks. We do also have several MDA objects containing our external usage metrics as well as an object that combines all those we'd like to share with customers. Do the reports you're providing contain more than one data type? If so, are you showing more than two fields? Are there any workarounds if, for example, you'd like to display to multi-bar line graphs like the one below?

In addition to some of the great ideas already presented, here is an article explaining how to use Gainsight rules and data management to create dynamic benchmarks of key metrics.

The tutorial focuses on revenue but this really could apply to any numerical value. This can be useful to show side by side and especially if you get granular and create benchmarks by customer segment, product type, region, etc.
