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Is anyone else experiencing this? We uploaded ppt template with "Blank" slide of one font size but the output produces titles with larger font sizes, inconsistently (so we uploaded 30pt, but the Success Snapshot export is 38pt or 34.2pt font. Is this a known issue?

Hi Anastasia, 


For success snapshot, the output deck follows the format in the master slide. From your question, it looks like in master slide, the size is 38. If your use case is for font size 30, can you edit the master slide to have font size 30 and retry? 

Regarding the inconsistencies its because of the innate behavior of Microsoft powerpoint. A Shape has an option called Shrink Text on overflow. But when this option is used on a title, Microsoft powerpoint does not completely shrink text but only shrinks up to 90% of the default size. 

