
Formatting in a CTA

  • 28 February 2017
  • 2 replies

Formatting in a CTA description field consistently gives me issues with formatting. I open a new CTA - go to the description field - attempt to add text and it doesn't allow me the opportunity to all...I have no idea why. I close the CTA and go back in - same experience.

It doesn't allow me to copy and paste text in either. 

This happens randomly and I don't understand what causes it. I can show you firsthand and also have a screenshot of what it looks like when I FINALLY can add text - you can see it cuts it off. Frustrating :( 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1
Hai Stephanie, Sorry for the delay response.I recently started going through all of the pending posts. Was checking to see if this has been resolved. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +1
Hi Stephanie, Since we din't hear from you, I am closing this ticket. If at all you see same issue in the future please raise a support ticket. 
