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We’re finding the notes copied direct from a word document do not retain their formatting well - all bullets are pushed to the far left margin and replaced by strange characters. If however. we copy text from Word into Outlook and then into Timeline the formatting is well maintained. I thought I saw in other community posts that Text Formatting from Word was recognized (along with Chatter, Evernote, Gmail & Outlook) but that does not align with what we’re experiencing. Is there some additional step we’re missing?

Hello @shannon_olsen, thank you for posting on Community. Passing this along to our Product Manager to be looked into and circle back to you with an answer.

Hi @shannon_olsen we’ve had better luck with pasting as plain text and then adding the formatting after the fact. It does look like in this post: that Nitisha indicates it should work though.   

@heather_hansen - I found that post as well! It was where I sourced the applications where text formatting should be recognized :slight_smile: .

We’ve tried pasting with plain text as well and had minimal luck - there are still odd characters appearing and having to re-add formatting creates push back from our CS team.

We’re trying to change behavior to take notes direct in Gainsight, but the first step there is getting folks to simply stop emailing their notes out separately and instead track them to Gainsight and collaborate with team members direct in the application. We’d like them to stop using Outlook for note-taking to minimize the temptation to fall back to that tool for collaboration, but the pasting from there does look much better and feels easier...

Here are some examples of what we’re seeing as the user experience.




@shannon_olsen sorry for my delayed reply.  I definitely try to encourage people to have the Timeline entry open while they are on the call to take notes, and then, they can actually copy and paste it directly into an email using the Copy to Clipboard, so that’s been a good talking point to convert people.  I also encourage them to create the activity as much ahead of time as they want, and then, they just have to edit it when they start the meeting to add their notes.

