
Gainsight Assist Error

  • 16 November 2021
  • 14 replies


When I try to use Gainsight Assist in my Outlook app, it shows me an error under the “Log Email to Timeline” option that says “Something went wrong! Please try again.”

This is the New Outlook app on Mac. Any ideas?

I’ve tried to remove and reinstall the ass in as well as close and reopen the Outlook app.

14 replies


@khadija.k , I just had one of our CSM’s report the same error.  Did you ever figure out what was going on there?


Also got a user currently experiencing this error.

@khadija.k @cmello7339  - were you able to identify what was going on?

Userlevel 7
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@sriram pasupathi , just to have this in your radar.

@cmello7339 @duncan.young - unfortunately, it still doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried everything to troubleshoot that I found on various forums, KB articles etc.


@duncan.young @khadija.k , we never figured it out either.  It was happening intermittently to one user, so not sure what was going on.  I never opened a case because we couldn’t recreate it.


No, I have not been able to recreate it either. The email had several attachments and there were people CCd in. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case in the email screenshot originally provided in this thread. It does appear to be email specific though, as other emails for the client have logged fine for this CSM.

Userlevel 7
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@cmello7339 @duncan.young - unfortunately, it still doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried everything to troubleshoot that I found on various forums, KB articles etc.

@vaishali_rawat , anything your team can help with?

Userlevel 2

@anirbandutta Yes, team can assist you in this, but to troubleshoot this issue Support ticket is required .

Userlevel 7
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@anirbandutta Yes, team can assist you in this, but to troubleshoot this issue Support ticket is required .

Sure, created one. Will keep this thread posted.

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Any updates to this? My team members are experiencing the same error 


Has anybody found a solution yet?

I’ve had two users come to me with this issue over the last two weeks. (We use Outlook.) For the first user, the problem seemed to resolve on its own after a couple of days. The second user only started having issues today and so far it hasn’t stopped.

Both signed out of & logged back into the add-in, then removed and re-added the add-in, and the error was still there.

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Hello @khadija.k Could you please provide us with your preferred time slots so that we can schedule a call and assist you further? I have also created a ticket on your behalf for tracking purposes.



Kiran D

L1 Support

Badge +1

We are experiencing the same issue but on a PC. 

Userlevel 1

We experience that issue when using a shared mailbox and were told to create that shared box as a user.
