
Gainsight Data - Connect to Domo

  • 27 March 2018
  • 1 reply

Has anyone been able to push their Gainsight data into Domo? Our team has an ongoing initiative to push our data into Domo for dashboards/reporting, but Domo does not yet offer a Gainsight connector.

I've been told it's possible to do it through a Bionic rule that pushes the data into the S3 connector and then into Domo. If anyone has done this before, your input would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your help!

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +4
Morgan -

The feature that is being referred to here is the "Export to S3" option available in Bionic Rules.  This can be pushed to a S3 bucket you manage or the Gainsight one.  You can also do this with any dataset from bionic rules.  Then you would have Domo pick up this file for bringing in.
