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Hello Community!

I recently got a request from one of our Directors that he's needing to see accounts that have not had a timeline activity update in the last 7 days.  While I have a report that shows me accounts with no activity - I'm having more trouble than I care to admit on this request. 

While building the report I've used "Activity Date != (Not Equal) to Last 7 Days", and while it mostly works - there are a handful of records still showing up in the report that shouldn't.  I should mention that I'm in the "Timeline Activity" data set in the Reporting section of Gainsight.  ([i]I've also used Created Date != (Not Equal) to Last 7 Days.  But what seems to be happening is rather than looking at the last post, it's disregarding it and looking at the timeline history in total.  At least, that's what its looking like in the case that some of the records are still appearing on the report that shouldn't be there.)

So I turn to you Community, have you had the request before?  If so, how did you build the report in order to show this data?  Did you have to do something custom?

I appreciate your time and feedback everyone! 🙂
Hi Sagan,

Your report is looking at Timeline Activities, removing the Activities from the last 7 days, and then showing you all the remaining activities.

To make this happen, you'd want to have a custom date field on Account or Customer Info, called "Most Recent Timeline Activity". You would use a Rule to grab the maximum Activity Date for the Timeline Activities for each Account, and load that date into the custom field. Then you could use that field as a filter for your report.
That would allow me to use the Account Data, rather than Timeline Activity Data in Reporting then. I like it!  Thank you for the idea! 🙂
Glad to help! 😃
First - the approach below will work if all customers have at least one post.  It would not show customers that have NO posts to Timeline.  To do this type of join, you would need to use Bionic Rules and update an attribute on Company or CustomerInfo

In your Show field, pick Activity Date - choose Aggregation of Max Date (the latest date)

In your By field, pick Account Name

Then Filter by Max Date not being in last 7 days - this will show you list of customers and the last activity date

Note I also included a filter for Today as it seems Activity from CTAs can post with future activity dates
Thank you Denise!  This is perfect!  I'm still learning the Rules Engine 🙂
