
How do you indicate a task is owned by a customer in the Gantt Chart view?

  • 7 September 2018
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3
This is half question/half crowd-sourcing idea post: We are starting to roll out success plans internally here at Gainsight for our onboarding projects now that the Gantt Chart functionality is in a suitable state. 

One thing I've noticed is that all tasks are either assigned to me or someone internally on my team because, of course, an internal Gainsight user needs to be the owner of the objective/task. However, in reality, about half the tasks in our onboarding project plans are owned by customers - a.k.a. an external contact not in our instance of Gainsight. 

Has anyone else come across this issue, and if so how did you handle it? I guess we could look into creating a single dummy user for "customer" that we could re-use for all our success plans, but I'm wondering if there's another option.

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +2
Not a great solution but you could either create a field on the objective that flags "customer owned" or create a user that can be swapped in as the owner for these objectives. Challenge with that is it takes up a license which not everyone can afford to do.
Userlevel 7
Badge +3
Thanks for the ideas. Kind of what I was thinking too.
Badge +4
I've also been playing with the idea of putting "Customer Owned" or something similar in the task subject line. It would be great to have the ability to assign it to a dummy customer user
