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When reporting with the Scorecard Fact object (where the name of your scorecard precedes "Scorecard Fact"), I am getting a TON of duplicate submissions on a per account basis. I can take care of this in some reports by using "count distinct" of SFDC ID in the Show Me section. 

However, I am trying to do a scatter plot with the Y-axis as "Avg Health Score" and the X-axis as "Customer Lifespan (Days)". I then group by SFDC ID. The issue is I get several submissions for each account and that throws off the whole scatter chart. I am not seeing a way to group by [i]DISTINCT SFDC ID.  

Is there a good way to get this done?

Is there a better way to work with this data so I don't have to remove duplicates?
Hi Ben,

The "Average Health Score" is the average of the "Overall Health Score"?

In the scorecard fact object, there will be an entry for every measure and its score. This might be the reason you are seeing multiple entries for a single account in the Fact object (Let me know if my understanding is incorrect here)

If you apply a measure filter (eg for the overall score) then you should see only one entry per account

Let me know if this is what you were looking for ?

That is perfect! I was wondering if that was why there were duplicates. I'll give this a shot!
