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We have a very particular use case / situation and wondering what we can do about it. When we started with NPS, we created a Survey (lets say "Sales Experience) and we used Advanced Outreaches to deliver the surveys. The first release of the AO was a simple: send out one email with the survey and done deal.After a couple of weeks, our internal customer wanted to have reminder emails added to the surveys sent. As we know, we can not enable that on the fly and need to create a new instance of the AO that supports reminder emails. Our internal customer also wanted to resend all previous surveys again so that they will get the reminders.

So, the problem we have now is that when you look into Survey > Sales Experience > Analyze you see that we sent out 100 surveys, the problem being that from those 100, 30 should be removed as they were sent again when we released v2 of the AO. 

The questions I have are:

1) If I delete the first instance of the AO, do we also delete the reference to the emails sent by that AO? Don't think so, but maybe.... :-)

2) What object does the Survey tab use to display the data in Analyze? Any easy way to delete that so that we can get the data aligned?

Hi Marcelo,

It could be an one off script which support working with tech ops could help to delete the data but we do not have the ability to delete directly from the UI. To your questions - 

a. We do not delete the responses when you delete the AO. In fact , we dont allow to delete the AO post publish. 

b. Survey participant is the core object which is central to surveys. If the participant records are deleted , I think this should remove it from the survey analyze tab.


Abhishek S
Thanks Abhishek. I'll check with the Support team to see if something easily achievable.
