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I no longer wish to receive release notes type emails from Gainsight. The email footer has a link that says [i]To stop receiving notifications about Product News & Updates, click here. 

However, "click here" doesn't link to an unsubscribe page, it just links to the community:

And it also says "Don't reply directly to this email." 

So, here I am. Can you please fix your unsubscribe link in your next email? 
Hi Reed!

Sorry you're having trouble with unwanted emails. It looks like you're actually following a category here on the Community site called "Product News & Updates," so when we post to that category, you're receiving automated email updates. These emails are coming from Gainsight's Community site, not the actual Gainsight application, where we do have you opted-out from email comms. 

If you un-follow the Product News & Updates category here on the Community, you'll stop receiving the emails. Unfortunately, I don't see a way for me to edit your follows, otherwise I'd take care of it for you!
Got it, thank you! That's really confusing, which I see an issue with Get Satisfaction. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. 
SAME ISSUE! I unsubscribed and still getting these SPAM emails from Gainsight. When I unsubscribed I said to unsubscribe from ALL Comms from Gainsight and still I keep getting this daily pail of junk! Do I need to tweet my request to unsubscribe?

Hi Kavita,

The unsubscribe option that you're referring to is for emails sent from the Gainsight application. It sounds like you're still getting emails from the Gainsight Community (this site) and unsubscribe doesn't impact this site. I will work with our vendor to stop email notifications to you from our Community.
