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I am looking to determine what is the identifier field between the calculated field in a conditional wait and the participant.  

This is for a program we would like to setup for accounts that have not logged into one of our products.  We want to send an initial email if an account has not logged in within 14 days and then wait for 14 days to see if they have logged in within that time period and if not send a reminder email and then wait another week and create a CTA if they have not logged in by then.  Our current data object stores last login date but this data is added weekly as an insert, so we are trying to determine the best way to set this up as a program.  Any suggestions would be great!  Thanks!!

@kerri.lindstrom Within your login data, is there an identifier like the Company Name, Company ID, Contact Name, Contact Email, or Contact ID?

Essentially, in your JO query, you should have that identifier and map it to a standard field (Company Name to Company Name) or to a Custom Field (Contact ID/user id). Then, in the Calculated Field, set the object to where your login data is and use a show field of last login with a filter of identifier field from the source is equal to the identifier field in your JO Query. On the Conditional Wait you would set the Calculated field to be equal to greater than 14 days ago or Null --- if true they would get the reminder email.

Great, thanks so much @john_apple.  I have set that up and tested it out and was successful.  Appreciate the help :)
