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The dashboard viewing options are painful, as compared to Customers dashboards. My biggest problems with the newer dashboards are the following:

- Scroll bar is too small, and it needs a fit to table option. It's also painful that you can only see 100 records at a time - why not make this like the Customers Tab and be able to see all records through scrolling?

The viewing is even more problematic when there is more than one report on a dashboard. We have a dashboard that has two reports, and you're only able to see 4 records at once on each report. Having a scroll within a scroll window is frustrating. 

Overall - I'd like the new dashboards to have many of the view options present in the Customers Tab. 
+1 on the expanding the number of entries view-able past 100!  For those reports that they need to see more, we've shown them how to export out so they can filter or view as they wish.  But it would be nice to view past 100 rows.
Hi Jackie,

Both in customers tab and in a report on dashboard we do have the limit on the number of records we show at a time. We paginate after that limit. The limit for the report on a dashboard is 100 and we paginate after that to bring next batch of 100 records. For customers tab, the limit is 500. Lets say100 is not the ideal limit and increase it to 200, you still have to scroll through the report to see all the records, because most likely there are multiple reports on the dashboard and each report gets only so much vertical space on the viewport. In customers tab at any given point, only one view occupies the entire viewport, so you see more records. For any specific report, if you think you need to see more records, you can work around this problem by increasing the height of that particular container in the dashboard builder. Please see the link below for more details


