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I’m looking to report on scores that have been set to stale using validity period.  We currently have it set that scores will become stale after 12 weeks.  Is there a way to report on this?  If not, what are some work arounds that are being used? 

@Bmeuchel There is currently no way to report on stale scores, since we calculate the validity real-time for normal reports.
There is a, easy workaround, especially if all your scores have the same validity (12 weeks in your case). There is a field called ‘score_modified_at’ in scorecard fact. You simply need to query for records that have this date beyond 12 weeks. If the validity periods are not the same, you would need a separate report for measures with a particular validity period.


Also, in scorecard mass edit, there is an option to view just the stale scores. (screenshot below)



Hope this helps!



