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Is there a row limit when using the pivot function on the report builder? As an example, I have built a table with 1000+ rows, one row row per month per customer. However, when I apply a pivot by month, it changes the report to only have 81 rows. Since we have around 700+ customers in Gainsight, I am expecting around 700 rows and not 81.
Hi Mai,

We don't have any limit a pivoted report. However we pivot a report on the UI. Lets say your report has 1000 rows before applying pivot, each corresponding to a customer, month combination. When you pivot this report on the month column, the number of results would shrink to 1000/12. The pivot happens on the UI on the already presented dataset (its not a serverside action).

Please let me know if you need more information.


Hi everyone, the support article is updated with the relevant information, based on the above post. Click here for the latest document. Please feel free to reach out to us at for any feedback/suggestions.

Thank you for posting this!
​Hi All, 

We have few Pivot enhancement in Report builder for October release. Previously, pivot on reports used to happen on the UI (on the already presented data). But, with this enhancement, Admins can now pivot reports on the entire dataset from the server-side.

Note: The maximum number of pivoted columns visible in a report are 53. In CSV exports, you can see the entire dataset without limits.

Please refer the release notes for more information. 

Thanks for posting!​
