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Hello! I am trying to pull a report that will show me when a specific Timeline activity has not been logged. For example, we have 27 different activity types that a CXM can choose from when logging an activity. I want to understand how many accounts HAVE NOT had an activity logged for a Strategic Alignment Session activity. Is this possible? 


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks - Melissa

Hi @mknowles - you should be able to do this with Data Designer.  You’d just grab a dataset of that timeline activity details, and then, a dataset of Company, and then, merge those keeping all the data from the Company dataset.  Any row that doesn’t have a value from the activity details dataset, would be missing that activity type.

Thanks @heather_hansen ! My ultimate goal is to create a Dashboard for CX Leaders to utilize. I’m assuming there is not a way to pull data into a Dashboard via Data Designer, like I would with a report? 

@mknowles  Yes - you can.  Just visit the last page where it says Make This Dataset Universally Available, and select to toggle that on.  Then, set how often you want the data to refresh.  Then, when it runs the first time, you should be able to either build a report directly from the Data Designer Explore page and publish it or go directly to Report Builder, and search for the name of the Data Designer and build a report there that you can then add to a dashboard.
