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Is there a way to limit the scores available for CSM Sentiment?

  • 25 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Use Case - My team defines CSM sentiment to 4 score measures - 10, 25, 75, and 90 and we define what these scores mean in regards to the scoring engagement methodology.  Where we are struggling with this measure is a CSM has the ability to slide the score and select other scores outside of our defined 4 and even pick a “50” which means they haven’t defined the relationship as either positive or negative…. i.e. on the fence.


I’m looking for a way to limit our system to only our 4 scores to force scoring on our measures only.  Does anyone know if this is possible or is there an idea already submitted to make this change?

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

There’s no way to make it sticky on specific scores.

At a prior company we did our sentiment scores via a timeline activity where the SM would select their score and leave notes as well. If you went this route you could have a dropdown menu with just the values you want to have, and then use a rule to populate the scores when a new timeline activity is published. The added bonus of this method is that they leave notes.

Other ideas:

You could use a rule to slide it to whatever the closest one of those values is on scorecards where it isn’t set up correctly. You could notify the SM when this occurs via slack/email.

You could also fire off a CTA when you detect an anomaly and ask them to try again. That said, the slider can be finicky and is tough to get on a specific score every time.


