
Is there an ability to customize / configure the Customer Tab header ?

  • 3 August 2015
  • 9 replies

Under the Customer Tab, there are four main metrics displayed;  ARR, num of customers , MRR and Users.   Is there a way to change what is displayed at the top, perhaps remove MRR since we only use ARR ?   Or add a customer specific data item that can be summed up from all "my" accounts ?

9 replies

Badge +1
Tom, the summary strip in customers tab is not customizable (the labels could be customized but nothing more than that). 

I also believe that having the ability to customize the strip is valuable. Though we might not make the summary strip customizable, there are a set of improvements (building summary reports from reports builder, more flexible home page layouts and permissions on layout visibility) on our roadmap that will address this need.
We would like to add CSM Service Days and CSM Capacity to the summary strip on Customers tab.  Please let me know if this is being added to the Gainsight product roadmap.
Userlevel 7
Badge +11
This would be helpful for us too. We use a slightly different MRR calculation for Success than what's in that field in SF, and we'd like to be able to just change the field that it points to as our calculation is stored on the Customer Info object already.
Userlevel 6
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The Customers tab can also be thought of as a pinned dashboard, and we are getting close to realizing this now that we have summary widgets and dashboard permissions available. I've provided some details here that might help. Would love to know how you feel about taking this route.
Userlevel 7
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I like that approach as well. I think the capability to decide what you want to display in the summary would be very useful. For us, we don't really look at ARR (only MRR) and we don't really look at number of users, so being able to change those to something more relevant to us would be great.
I like the "widget" concept as well.   Just some color or more eye appealing than a box would be nice.
Userlevel 2
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Any update on this? We too would like the ability to customize the Customer tab Summary Strip. 
Same here. We do not track MRR or # of User so to be able to choose what you want to sumarize on would be great.
Same here! We do not track MRR and want to be able to remove this. 
