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Is there a way to export the output of a Programs query builder? Our contact lookups are convoluted, so I almost always use the query builder to generate a participant list for our Programs. In doing so, I am left with several pages of contacts, with no way to export the entire list. When executing on a similar task (i.e. Bionic Rules), I am provided a file via email that shows the final output of the data set. With Program query builders, I only get an email on whether or not it was successful and how many participants are included. Am I missing something?

Hi Niki,


This is a valid ask, For now we cannot export the results from JO query builder, you can still do it from Rules engine Query builder.


Redirecting this to our product team for more visibility and changing this to an Idea post.


Thank you! It would be immensely helpful in providing a distribution list to non-Gainsight users, which is the lion's share of our internal Journey Orchestrator customers.

I've adopted the method of creating the query in the Rules Engine first which is way easier for troubleshooting and then query builder.

But you could also use Report Builder for AO participants which can be exported.

You're right! Troubleshooting directly in query builder is not always easy! I do parallel testing with reporting to validate what I am doing as I am building the data sets.
