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I have an onboarding journey that is supposed to “launch” upon a CS Stage Change. We are seeing a delay here. Is there a way to make an onboarding journey (email sequence/JO) trigger at a Stage Change? 

What’s the delay, @jbaselice? Possibly an overlap of Gainsight syncing with the underlying data?

Was told by our consultant that a Stage Change will not trigger a JO in real time. That we have to set the JO to a set time (not real time). I didn’t phrase my question correctly -- I see now. Basically the question is “can a stage change trigger a JO to email in real time or does the JO have to be set on a certain time”

That makes sense… 

Our onboarding (and new mid-cycle user if a company is out of onboarding) programs are based on the user’s first paying login date (to account for users who may have logged in during a PoV).

@jbaselice You wouldn’t be able to bring in participants in real-time nor to - imagining you’d have your participants waiting in a conditional wait - to trigger the email in real-time since conditional waits have got an 11-hour re-evaluation cycle. And trust me, that 11-hour cycle is a nightmare as it would end up sending emails at weird o’clock. 

The most sensible approach currently will be to schedule your JO to run daily. 

You could envisage creating several clones that run at different times of day to mimic the instant sending (maybe have 4 programs, running every 2 hours from one another which would cover an 8 hour time period). However, that comes with other issues though: it’ll be using up your JO bandwidth and could cause delays on other programs (or other programs cause delays on those). 
