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Ran into an issue this week that doesn't impact Load to Customers functionality (thankfully!) but it does impact the Execution Log results.

Basically, we have some accounts that have unique SF IDs, but the exact same name.  When testing a "Load to Customers" rule, only one of them was showing up in the execution results.  

When running the rule live, the duplicate account names do all get loaded to GS as expected, but the log file results are inaccurate.

According to GS L2 support, this is a known issue.  

Which raises the question:  is there a place here in the community or on the GS GO site where all known issues are getting reported?  Would be helpful to have those items published to save us time trying to figure something out that's already been identified as an issue.
Hi Jeff,

Can you share an example of the log file results and the execution results that you mentioned and highlight the inaccuracy ? This will help us look at the issue and provide a resolution soon.


I have a support ticket open which has examples attached.
Hi Jeff,

We do publish known issues in each of the monthly release notes articles, but of course issues get reported in between releases. I think this is somewhat of a resource issue -- any published list will require regular maintenance and updates. Our support team has the best visibility into this right now.
​Hi All, this is fixed and available in October release, the rule result page displays number of accounts inserted or updated by filtering Account IDs.

Please refer the release notes for more information. 

Thanks for posting!​
