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I'm hoping I'm just overthinking this, but is there a way to use calculated fields to check if an account's CSM field is NULL? I want to use this as part of a conditional wait node in a program that, if true, will fire a reminder email to our VP to review the client account and assign a CSM. I feel this can be done, but I don't understand which filters to implement in the calculated field to get the proper results.​

Thanks in advance!

Hi Puna, is this CSM assignment step part of a larger overall email program, or just a standalone notification to the VP reminding them to assign a CSM to a new account?

Yes. We're tracking the upgrade/downgrade of our clients' CS Segments (eg High Touch --> Low/Tech Touch and vice versa). For those Tech Touch that qualify for a CSM, this program is designed to notify our VP of CS they qualify for a CSM. If one isn't assigned in X number of days, I'd like the program to send the reminder email.

Can this be done using calculated fields?
