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My recently launched program (2 days ago) pulled in several people from the associated power list but it says they failed to enter the program. the reason is stated as being "No valid Gainsight User found for the email address" - does anyone know which email this refers to? Is it mine? The Recipient Email Address?

There is validation put in place recently for email addresses.

If this is happening for all your recipients, check the is no blank email address associated with the sender field where you map tokens. When we were cloning our HT mailings for the Tech Touch mailings, we used to leave the empty CSM email address to the sender email address, although it is not used in the program, and that worked fine. Now it causes the program to fail. Removing it fixes the problem.

If this is happening on some of your recipients, check the failing recipient email address for potential spaces or invisible characters at the front or the end of the email address.

Is it a user type of program? Based on the error its seems to be user type.

The user type program is used to run a journey/program for internal user.

For user type the "recepient email address" should be part of the Gainsight user list else the system throws the said error.

Hi @diane_morneau - it is happening to everyone yes. My Power List is working as it tells me there are X people in the list. However when I look at the details for the Program it tells me that X number of people failed to enter the program:

And then when I click on the little people detail icon I see the error I mentioned above.

It's pretty confusing as it's set up the same as my other program so I'm not sure what's preventing the program from running properly here.

Hey @varun_menon - it is a User type program yes - it shouldn't be a problem though in our context - I use this for another program too and it works perfectly so I'm not sure what's happening here that's different.
