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With the recent release (July 2019), there is a feature that shows what Programs and Outreaches an Email Template is used in from Journety Orchestrator > Email Templates.

I'm not seeing Used In for our environment even though nearly all of our Email Templates are used in a Program or Outreach. They all have Used In value of 0

Hi @john_apple, the migration should have already analysed all the dependencies between the various Journey Orchestrator assets when loading the Programs page. Sorry to hear you are not able to see the used in count updated and would be trying our best to help you the best we can here.

One of the probable reasons why the migration would not have been successful could be the System admin user being inactive. Would you please help with the confirmation if the System admin user is in Active state.

You can check this by navigating to the Administration > User Management.

If you find the user to be inactive, kindly select and activate the system/super admin user and reload the programs page and you should see the counts updated within a few minutes.

Are you referring to the OAuth user or there another specific user?

Yes, in most cases, it should be the same as oAuth user. Is the status for the user Active in the User Management?

I was trying to refer to the system admin user.

Anyhow the migration re-run will take care of the dependency resolution automatically for the most part.

You should soon start seeing the used in count as soon as the re-run resolves.
@ashish_ahuja - This is still not populating

EDIT: Spoke too soon - it is there now. Took about 24 hours.
