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I just noticed a major inconsistency when it comes to filtering with null values.

We filter on null values in almost all of our reports, power lists, and rules. In these cases, when I need to include a null value I select the field, select the "equals" operator, then check the box (it now has the wonderful help feature that explains what it includes or excludes, see below screenshot)

The other day I created an outreach that had several variants with filters on null values. I set up the variant filters that needed to include null values the same way I would set up the report, rule, and power list filters. The screenshot below shows how I set that up.

However, when I checked to make sure everything was running correctly, [i]I noticed that the emails were backwards. Those clients who should be receiving the variant with a null value were receiving the email that didn't have a null value and vice versa. When I flipped the operator from "equals" to "not equals", everything started working as needed.

Has anyone else noticed this?
Hi Britton,

Is the field in the second report a 'Boolean' or check-box field? If so, the filter does apply differently in that "equals checked" will provide you with all records that have the boxed checked or are listed as "True". 
They are both date fields.

It took me a while to pick up on the difference you mentioned here, but these two fields are definitely date fields.
Yes, it’s backward in different features of the product. (Rules engine null criteria box is backward of CoPilot crtiteria box for the same field.)

Sometimes you check the box and other times you don’t. Always been that way, I think. I just go off of the help text.
That's the problem. We didn't send out some welcome emails all week because of the inconsistency. Thankfully we were able to correct it before any major damage was done. It really should be consistent across the entire platform. I've noticed other inconsistencies but none really worth mentioning.
Sounds like your CSM will be reminding you to test and preview results and test and check... because things don’t always work intuitively. I feel you 100% though!
